Еще чуть-чуть и сразу в рай. Но нету чуть-чуть (с)
Когда я посмотрела фильм, то подумала, что его неплохо было бы растащить на цитаты. Нашла транскрипт. И тащу :)

He didn't just eat their bodies. He ate their souls. And I joined in.

If I don't sign their confession, they'll kill my mom. I break his arm in places and I sign it.

Pulling that trigger make you feel powerful? Power don't come from a badge, or a gun. Power comes from lying. Lying big and getting the whole damn world to play along with you.

This is it. No way to fight it now. No hope left. No chance.

This is it.

This is the end.


Give it a shot, old man. Keep your neck tight. Move. The window. Maybe there's an alarm. The window. Keep your neck tight, God dammit. Stay conscious. Stay conscious. No alarm. The glass. Cut the rope. You can do it.

You can do it.

And old man dies. A young woman lives. Fair trade.
